Wednesday 10 December 2008

Unit Testing with CppUnit

For the past few days I've been reading the code for Polyworld and figuring out where to make my code additions. Today, I'm at a stage where I know where to make my code additions but I'd like to have a unit testing framework in place.

I reread Exploring the C++ Unit Testing Framework Jungle by Noel Llopis who suggested the following frameworks:
  • CppUnit
  • Boost.Test
  • CppUnitLite
  • CxxTest
I've used CppUnitLite and CxxTest previously but it's been a while and I've forgotten how to use them. I decided not to use CxxTest because I don't want to use Perl for the moment. I decided not to CppUnitLite because I don't want to work on extending the framework for the moment. I decided not to use Boost.Test because I don't want to use Boost for the moment.

That left me with CppUnit

As I was looking around, I also had a look at:
I downloaded and installed CppUnit 1.12.1 from sourceforge and had a look at the documentation. Things were a bit scary so I had a look around for some tutorials and found these:
Müller's example program did not work so I tried Hosken's example program which also did not work. I then removed CppUnit and installed an Ubuntu CppUnit package. Once I did that, both Müller's and Hosken's example programs worked.

Here a few other links I found interesting as I was looking around:
Now all I have to do is figure out some simple ways to avoid the overhead of creating objects that I want to test.

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