Saturday 18 June 2011

Training Journal

Saturday training. Location, gym. Partner, none.

I had a big week and spent most of Saturday sleeping to recover. I did not want to do training.

Barbell Dead Lifts
8, 2(23.75)k
8, 2(23.75)k
8, 2(23.75)k, improve form

Barbell Bench Presses
8, 2(20)k, increase reps
8, 2(20)k, increase reps
15, 2(20)k, increase weight

Barbell Rows
10, 2(10)k, increase weight
10, 2(11.25)
10, 2(11.25)
10, 2(11.25)

Barbell Squats
10, 2(26.25)k
10, 2(26.25)k
10, 2(26.25)k

Barbell Lunges
20, 2(10)k, improve form
I hate lunges.

Barbell Shoulder Presses
10, 2(5)k, improve form
10, 2(5)k, improve form
10, 2(5)k, improve form

Power, Clean, and Jerk
8, 2(10)k, improve form
Tired, so tired.

Dumbbell Alternating Bicep Curls
20, 2(7.5)k, increase weight
20, 2(7.5)k
20, 2(7.5)k
My biceps were tired by the time I got to this exercise.

I ran out of time and had to skip cardio. Hehe.

I need to improve my pull ups, dips, and flexibility.


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